Solutions Blog

Why we emphasize responsive and reliable service

Last month ago we explained that Epic Charging stands for epic customer service and shared that we are committed to delivering on that brand promise by pursuing 4 pillars:

In this blog post we will be discussing the importance of providing responsive and reliable service.

At Epic Charging, we believe that our work matters. We build software and provide service that powers our transportation system. Organizations who deploy EV charging are providing a critical service for their end users - fleet operators, residents, employees, and the broader community. Quite frankly, these charging stations need to work because people rely on them to meet their daily transportation needs.

Our service team is committed to delivering responsive and reliable service which means:

  • 24/7 charging station monitoring
  • 1 business day response time
  • Partnering to win

24/7 charging station monitoring
Epic charging software checks the status of your charging stations every 30 seconds and quickly reports any issues to our global engineering team. Whenever problems arise, our automated monitoring system instantly flags issues for resolution and our engineering team applies remote troubleshooting tools to fix the issue or notifies the end user when a physical intervention is needed.

1 business day response time
Our B2B partners and site hosts highly value our commitment to respond within 1 business day because they have not received this level of service from other vendors. In fact, many of our existing customers switched to our software platform specifically because of the epic customer service.

Partnering to win
We work with various EV infrastructure providers and distributors across the US who collaborate with our team to delight their customers. These channel partners rely on our promise of responsiveness and reliability to quickly resolve issues that come up with their customers.

To illustrate our point, we’ll provide an example of a recent deployment. One of our electrical distributor partners sold several charging stations to a municipal client in Maryland who experienced issues activating their charging stations. During the activation phase, our engineering team discovered a firmware issue that prevented the charging stations from connecting to the 4G cellular network.

To provide epic customer service, our team implemented a two part solution:

  • First we prevented service interruptions by hand-holding the site host to upload a list of RFID cards that their staff can use to activate charging sessions regardless of the charger connectivity status
  • Then we worked with the site host’s IT team to enable Wi-Fi access for their chargers which required new cybersecurity customizations (2-factor authentication, etc.)

The customer was so pleased with the service received that they placed an additional order worth twice as many charging stations from our B2B partner.

Our industry is not known for providing the best customer experience which presents an opportunity for EV charging providers (developers, distributors, installers, etc.) to differentiate from the competition. We help our B2B partners win by providing epic customer service.

Naturally, we need to have strong technical capabilities to deliver on our promise. Check out our article about our third pillar - problem solving with technical excellence, or contact our team to learn how you can stand out by delivering epic customer service.
2023-09-14 09:51